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FAKE PLUG 9 Stone Pink BLING Fake Piercing - 16g thin post - Price Per 1
There are 8 pink stones that measure 1.5mm and 1 pink stone that measures 3mm laid out on a 8mm wide (0g look) steel disc that is 4mm thick.
Fake Plugs give the look of stretched ears, yet can be worn by almost anyone with regular pierced ears.
2 in 1 style: Front side has the design and back side is plain.
Both ends will unscrew, so if you have a fatter lobe, or thinner lobe you can change out the 16g 5/16" barbell that comes standard with this item.
Price Per 1 (if you want a pair order 2)
Length: 8mm ~ 5/16"
Gauge: 16g ~ 1.2mm